Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cheap and Secure Home Alarm Systems

Everyone wants to feel safe inside their home and know that everything is secure when they are away. One of the best ways to achieve this peace of mind is to install a home security system. While this is a wonderful way to ensure the safety of a home, not everyone can afford an elaborate security system. The beautiful reality is that a fancy, expensive security system is not necessary in order to improve the security of a home; what is really needed is a little attention to detail and work.

To start the process of improving home security a person should stand outside of their home and view it from the perspective of a potential intruder. This kind of exercise will help people notice the vulnerable parts of their home and property over all. Landscaping is a major concern that is often overlooked. Overgrown shrubbery and trees with low lying branches provide the perfect opportunities for burglars to sneak there way closer to home and potentially enter through an upper level window that might not have a lock. Keeping all hedges well trimmed is important to eliminated shadowy hideouts for burglars lurking about. Any trees that are growing next windows should have the lower branches cut off so that an intruder cannot use them as ladders to an upper story.

Another good way to eliminate shadows around the exterior of the home is to install lights. Having lights on outside during the night makes it very difficult for someone to approach the home without being seen by someone inside or by a neighbor. Motion sensing lights are very good because they can startle a potential intruder away with the sudden light and it is a better use of energy than simply leaving one on. Burglars are very opportunistic and are looking for the easiest home to hit, the presence of external lights alone could be enough to deter an intruder and ensure home security.

All doors that face the exterior should be made of solid wood or metal, as should the door frames. These materials present the greatest amount of resistance against someone to kick them in. Each door should also be outfitted with a deadbolt lock which cannot be picked and also puts up a lot of resistance against being kicked in. A simple home alarm system can also be installed so that a loud alarm will sound when a door or window is opened. These basic systems are fairly cheap and can be installed by the residents themselves. The loud alarm should be enough to scare off anyone trying to enter the home.

Having lights set to timers inside the home is another easy and cheap way to increase home security. These kinds of lights are especially useful when the residents are out for the evening or perhaps on vacation because they give the home the appearance of being occupied. These simple and cheap steps are great ways to improve the security of any home and let homeowners rest a little easier no matter where they are.

An ADT alarm system is so simple, everyone can use it with ease from children to the elderly. There are devices from keychain remotes to wristbands and pendants that you can use to make the ADT home alarm even simpler to operate.

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